Make a Move to Information Sciences
If you’ve decided it is time to switch your university or major to explore all the options offered in the field of information sciences, our school is prepared to support you as you navigate that process.
Transfer Your Major to Information Sciences
As you decide to change majors within the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, we’re here to help guide you through this process. Students who are changing their major to one at the School of Information Sciences need to set up an appointment with the College of Communication and Information’s Office for Undergraduate Programs and Advising.
Finish Your Bachelor’s Degree Online
The School of Information Sciences is now offering an online degree completion program for students with an Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Fine Arts (AFA), Associate of Science (AS), or Associate of Science in Teaching (AST) degree from a Tennessee Board of Regents community college. Eligible students can earn a Bachelor of Science in Information Sciences with a concentration in Applied Data Analysis and User Experience through this all-online and asynchronous program.
Transfer to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Students transferring from community colleges or other universities apply for admission using the online application. The university’s transfer credit policy is available in the current UT catalog. The Office of the University Registrar provides course transfer equivalency tables for Tennessee community colleges and universities. The tables allow you to determine how courses you are currently taking or are planning to take at other Tennessee schools compare to University of Tennessee courses.
Please visit the Transfer Center for more information about the University of Tennessee. The Transfer Center offers tours specifically geared towards transfer students, and is also open for virtual office hours using Zoom to answer your transfer admissions questions! They are available to answer any questions you have about the transfer admissions process, campus life, transfer credit evaluations, and next steps for admitted transfer students.
Students transferring to UT from another institution need to sign up for New Vol Orientation first. Once students have selected an orientation day for their virtual advising appointment, the College of Communication and Information Undergraduate Programs and Advising office will be in contact via email with appointment time and more information.