The School of Information Sciences
The School of Information Sciences has achieved regional, national, and international recognition through its award-winning faculty, students and alumni; innovative teaching and research; commitment to access and engagement; and personalized, online program options.
The School of Information Sciences creates value through meaningful engagement for a diverse and pluralistic information ecology; advances original ideas for an information society through inquiry, discovery, scholarship, and creative activity; and leads by preparing ethical, innovative, and reflective information professionals.​
Enrich, elevate, and transform communities and the information professions through excellence in research, education, and service.
As a land-grant institution committed to excellence in research, scholarship, teaching, and service, the School of Information Sciences values:​
- Respect for all opinions and people, free exchange of ideas, and academic freedom.​
- Intellectual curiosity, reflectiveness, and lifelong learning.​
- Engagement with students, the community, and the information professions.​
- Adaptability, flexibility, and accountability in all we do, using data-driven, transparent, and collaborative decision-making.
Connect With Us
Communication is important to us. We want you to stay up-to-date about all the exciting events, activities and accomplishments of SIS alumni, students and faculty. There are a variety of ways you can connect with us:
SIS Newsletters
SIS provides is a weekly and monthly newsletters for undergraduate students, graduate students, future students, alumni and job seekers.
Anyone is welcome to subscribe to our newsletters.
If you would like to submit a job posting to be included in our job newsletter, email it to UTSIS-JOBS@LISTSERV.UTK.EDU.
Spark: The Annual Publication of the University of Tennessee School of Information Sciences
Spark is an SIS annual print magazine to keep you connected with the UT School of Information Sciences community. Alumni, students, and faculty do amazing things every day, and we have gathered a number of their stories in hopes they will inspire you and make you proud to be a part of SIS.
Read the latest issue of Spark
Social Media
Want to stay connected with snapshots of our program culture, alumni/student/faculty/lecturer features, news, live broadcasts of events, and how we embrace the Volunteer spirit? Connect with us on any of our social media profiles:
Email Subscription and Discussion Groups (Listservs)
We also host a variety of other ListServs that are more specific to niche areas:
- UTKSIS-L is the main SIS Listserv. Current SIS Students are required to subscribe to this listserv, and all are welcome to join and make announcements.
- SIS Alumni Listserv is a discussion list for SIS alumni to share personal and professional news and events.
- UTSIS-Orgs Listserv is a discussion list for SIS student organizations.
MSIS Accreditation Information
The Master of Science in Information Sciences is an American Library Association-accredited program, and has been since 1972. Further information about the MSIS program learning outcomes and student achievement—including graduation rates, retention rates, time to degree completion, and employment rates—can be found here.