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Whether you’re an on-campus or online students, graduate or undergraduate, the School of Information Sciences offers opportunities for you to engage with your peers through various student organizations.
School of Information Sciences Student Organizations

Information Sciences Club
The mission of the Information Sciences Club is to provide students with a community for professional growth through networking, portfolio development, and sharing applications of information science with other entities within the University of Tennessee and the city of Knoxville.
The Information Sciences Club meetings shall take place weekly during fall and spring semesters within the Communications Building. Meeting times will alternate each week between 4:30 p.m. Tuesday and 5 p.m. Wednesday.
- Student President: Hunter Sexton (hsexton6@vols.utk.edu)
- Official Information Sciences Club page

American Library Association and Tennessee Library Association (ALA/TLA) UTK Student Chapter
The purposes and aims of this organization are to facilitate and encourage participation in the American Library Association and the Tennessee Library Association; to acquaint members with the goals, objectives and resources of the American Library Association and the Tennessee Library Association; to provide the members of the Student Chapter with official representation to the American Library Association, the Tennessee Library Association and other relevant organizations; to actively promote involvement in professional activities beyond the classroom; to provide a local forum for the exchange of ideas and information about trends, issues, and opportunities in the profession; to develop skills and relationships that will enable students to have a creative impact on the profession; and to increase awareness of local and national issues in library and information sciences.
- Faculty Advisor: Wade Bishop
- Official UTK Student Organization Page
How to Join
By virtue of being a UTK-SIS student, you are welcome to attend all meetings and other UTK-ALA/TLA Student Chapter events. However, by becoming a supporting member of the UTK-ALA/TLA Student Chapter, you will help to ensure that the student chapter can continue to promote important professional development and social events.

Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T)
ASIS&T is a multidisciplinary organization with more than 4,000 members from fields such as librarianship, computer science, linguistics, management, engineering, law, medicine, chemistry, and education. ASIS&T helps these professionals keep up with the rapid advancements and changes in library and information science, communications, networking, and computer science.
If you are considering an information career outside a traditional library, ASIS&T is a great resource. Many information scientists in traditional libraries also find that ASIS&T provides them with valuable connections and information to help their careers and path to lifelong learning. The UT student chapter is excited to offer opportunities for leadership and involvement. Please join us to share your ideas and energy!
- Faculty Advisor: Kai Li, kli16@utk.edu
- Official UTK Student Organization Page
How to Join
Whether you are a distance education or an on-campus student, we welcome your participation in our student chapter. Meetings will be available via Zoom. ASIS&T is an international organization, and the UT chapter is part of the larger organization. Membership in the national organization is required. Become an ASIS&T member online today, and then email your ASIS&T application confirmation to SIS.

Special Libraries Association (SLA) UTK Student Chapter
Special librarians are information professionals dedicated to putting knowledge to work to attain the goals of their organizations. They are employed most frequently by corporations, private businesses, government agencies, museums, colleges, hospitals, associations, and information management consulting firms. The Special Libraries Association supports the professional development and interests of librarians in this area of information science. The student chapter at the University of Tennessee sponsors events, educates members of happenings within the profession and provides valuable opportunities for networking.
As a UTK-SIS student, you are welcome at all meetings and other SLA-UTK Student Chapter sponsored events without being an organization member. However, by joining the SLA-UTK Student Chapter, you will help to support the student chapter as it continues to promote professional development and social events.
- Faculty Advisor: Awa Zhu
- Official UTK Student Organization Page
- SLA National Events
- SLA Scholarships & Awards
- Connect with SLA Student Groups Around the World
How to Join
Whether you are an on-campus or distance education student, we encourage you to begin growing in the profession through SLA membership! Joining SLA-UTK does not require membership in national SLA, but membership in the national organization is encouraged.

Society of American Archivists (SAA) UTK Student Chapter
The Society of American Archivists is an archival professional organization dedicated to serving the educational and informational needs of more than 5,500 individual and institutional members and to provide leadership to ensure the identification, preservation, and use of records of historical value.
Why Become an SAA Member?
- Strengthen the archivist profession.
- Connect to a network of dedicated archivist professionals.
- Networking opportunities with archivist professionals and other information sciences students.
- Official UTK SAA Student Chapter page.
How to Join
You can join SAA whether you are on-campus or a distance education student. Just check out the SAA student chapter.