SIS 2020 Best Thesis, Paper, and Projects Awards

Every year, the University of Tennessee School of Information Sciences recognizes students for specific academic achievements. These include best thesis, best project, and best paper awards.
Best Thesis Award
Scott Shumate
“My thesis is a participatory research study analyzing the impact of a computer system migration on the employees and processes of a non-profit organization.”
Best Paper Award
Lisa Curtin
“I sought to understand climate-change related threats to digital libraries and the infrastructure they rely on, and whether and how digital libraries are prepared to face those threats.”
Best Project Award (Group)
Leah Cannon, Hannah Gunderman
“We created a metadata schema for data management plans (DMP), short documents which outline how data will be organized and protected throughout a research project.”
Best Project Award (Group)
Hannah Gunderman, Erin Elizabeth Whitaker, Katie Hill, Sarah Holt, Nathan Worthington, Ronnie Green
“We conducted a full user experience (UX) and usability analysis on the Belmont Forum e-Infrastructures and Data Management Toolkit.