SIS Students Enter CCI Doctoral Program

The College of Communication and Information welcomed its new doctoral students at orientation Aug. 15, 2018. Among the nine doctoral students present were two alumni of the School of Information Sciences master’s program: Meredith Goins, who graduated in 2000, and Scott Sikes, who graduated in Spring 2018.
“I’m really looking forward to the research and writing. I’m interested in the social science of information, specifically within rural communities,” said Sikes, who is the associate director of the Appalachian Center for Civic Life at Emory and Henry College in Emory, Va.
Sikes said he chose to pursue a PhD in Communication and Information at the University of Tennessee Knoxville because his experience with the university’s SIS master’s program exceeded his expectations.
Goins echoed Sikes’ sentiment regarding research and writing, and is excited about the prospect of publishing articles. She is the group manager for Oak Ridge Associated Universities, a nonprofit in Oak Ridge; she manages assessment and evaluation, and research services. Her research focus will likely center on peer review.
“I want to focus on following grant dollars – it’s very interesting to see who gets money and why from a grant,” Goins said.
The orientation was conducted by Michael Palenchar, College of Communications and Information Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. He gave students an overview of what to expect during their time at CCI, practical advice and words of encouragement.
“You’re doing this for a reason. There’s a passion in you for this…and there’s great opportunities,” he said.
CCI PhD graduates go on to take positions as university faculty and administrators, or researchers in corporate, government and academic settings.