Rockvale High School
Location Description
The work site is a public high school in Rockvale, TN. We are the newest and second largest high school in the Rutherford County school system.
Practicum Work Mode
Flexible / Hybrid
Semesters or Time Period Available
6545 Hwy. 99
Rockvale, TN 37153
Xan Lasko
Media Specialist / Librarian
Student Tasks
This project entails archiving objects from the past and present Rockvale High School. This high school is unique in that it was opened originally in 1920’s, through WWII, and closed in the 1970’s. The school reopened in the 2019-2020 school year. We have kept a connection with the community. The graduates that are living in the community come to the games and special events. To that end, we have received and continue to receive, memorabilia from families that have been in the community. The goal is preservation and cataloging these items.
The first portion of this project was done by former UTK archival students. The next portion of the project would be to set up a system to connect or add to the current and future memorabilia to the digital archives. There are several aspects of current artifacts that we’d like to incorporate into the digital archives if possible. We have also opened access to community members on the website so that they can identify people, places, and events in the archives. This project is a type of community service for Rockvale, which remains a tightly knit community.
Type of Mentoring Provided to the Student
I will be with the student(s) each step of the way. As needed, I will guide the student(s) in locating objects, archiving expectations, and cataloging information. This would be a great opportunity for a hands-on learning experience.
Student Interaction With Others at the Location
The student(s) will have access to our administrative staff, Mr. Luker, our principal, and other faculty and students as needed. Our hope is to involve community members whenever possible.